Phoenix Acupuncture Clinic

Phoenix Acupuncture Clinic

The phoenix represents rebirth. A phoenix will set itself on flame, only to appear as a new phoenix. Our acupuncture treatments are similar to this "rebirth". Horses come to us sick and unwell and when they leave, they are a new creature. This is our version of the rebirth.

Acupuncture is an old Chinese treatment of inserting needles just below the skin. Originally practiced on humans, animals such as horses and dogs can be treated, too. Most often you'll find that racehorses receive acupuncture treatments, but it can be used for all types of horses and problems.


$100.00 per treatment
- 1 treatment per week until horse is better is advised

$500.00 per set of treatments
- farm package!
- every 10 horses gets one treatment for this amount

Other Treatments

Miracle Workers Magnetic and Cold Therapy Treatments

MW Magnetic Blanket......$400.00
MW Magnetic Strip........$50.00
MW Shin & Tendon Wrap....$90.00
MW Knee Wrap.............$90.00
MW Band..................$30.00
MW Hock Wrap.............$90.00
MW Pad...................$60.00
MW Patch.................$30.00
MW Cold Therapy System...$300.00

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Acupuncture Treatments

Cold and Magnetic Therapy
